Varicose veins are a common disease
Here you will find answers to your questions on spider veins

Frequently asked questions on spider veins
You can also look for the answers to your questions in our vein dictionary for patients
What are spider veins?
Are spider veins common?
Do men also get spider veins?
Are spider veins a purely cosmetic problem?
What causes spider veins?
Why do spider veins occur more often during pregnancy?
Can spider veins cause symptoms?
Is there anything I should not do if I have spider veins?
How can I prevent spider veins?
How can I get rid of spider veins?
Can I get rid of spider veins forever?
Do the treated spider veins come back?
Which doctor should I consult and what diagnostic investigations will be made?
What treatment is covered by health insurance?
What is micro-sclerotherapy?
What happens during micro-sclerotherapy?
Is micro-sclerotherapy suitable for me?
How much does micro-sclerotherapy cost?
How long does micro-sclerotherapy take?
When is the best time to have sclerotherapy of spider veins?
Is micro-sclerotherapy painful?
Does micro-sclerotherapy have any side effects?
What do I have to do after micro-sclerotherapy of spider veins?
Can foam sclerotherapy also be used for spider veins?
Which aesthetic problems are best treated with laser therapy?
What is the difference between laser therapy and micro-sclerotherapy in combatting spider veins?
Are vein tablets useful for spider veins?