Varicose veins are a common disease
Here you will find answers to your questions on spider veins

Frequently asked questions
What treatment is covered by health insurance?
As a rule, both statutory and private health insurance will pay or reimburse you for all necessary medical treatment. Should you have varicose veins, the doctor will consider your symptoms and decide whether treatment is required on medical grounds. Spider veins and the somewhat larger reticular varicose veins are normally regarded merely as cosmetic problems. Although they are unsightly, they do not usually cause any symptoms.
In most countries, treatment for purely aesthetic reasons is not considered a reimbursable service that has to be met by the statutory health insurance. Doctors usually offer cosmetic treatment of this nature as an individual health service, which basically means you will have to pay for it yourself. Those individual healthcare services also include injections for wrinkles, fruit acid peels, and the treatment of spider veins. Even private health insurance does not always cover such therapy. Discuss the costs with your doctor before you start treatment and ask your health insurance company whether it will meet at least some of the costs.