Varicose veins are a common disease
Here you will find answers to your questions on varicose veins

Frequently asked questions
What are the advantages of foam sclerotherapy?
Foam sclerotherapy acts even more powerfully than sclerotherapy with liquid sclerosant. When the sclerosant foam is injected into large varicose veins, the blood does not dilute and carry away foam as quickly as it does liquid sclerosant. The foam can therefore act on the vein walls for longer, which explains why it is even more effective in large varicose veins – the veins are stuck together better and rendered harmless. Using foam generally requires lower concentrations and smaller quantities of sclerosant.
A further advantage of foam is that it can be seen very clearly in the ultrasound images, allowing the doctor to watch the way in which the foam is distributed within the diseased vein during the injection and to give the optimal dose in each case.
Sclerosant foam usually causes a rapid constriction of the vein, which also makes it easier for the vein walls to stick together.
In Germany and many other countries, foam sclerotherapy is officially approved for the treatment of large varicose veins and has proved itself to be an effective and safe alternative to surgical procedures. In addition, modern foam sclerotherapy is virtually painless, minimally invasive, and can be carried out quickly on an outpatient (ambulatory) basis. After treatment, patients can resume their normal daily activities immediately and return to work without delay.