Spider veins and varicose veins are a common disease

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Vein dictionary


Acronym for chronic venous insufficiency. CVI is often the result of untreated varicose veins or deep vein thrombosis and is the most common cause of problems in the legs. CVI is caused by longstanding stasis (pooling) of blood in the legs due to leaky valves in the veins. It causes various complications, some of which may be serious.
Fluid collects in the tissues (oedema), especially around the ankles and lower leg. The legs swell up and the skin often itches or tingles. Eczema and chronic inflammation of the skin can be seen in the later stages. There may also be severe disorders in the supply of nutrients to the tissues. These changes can be seen as leathery-looking hardened or discoloured skin, especially around the ankles and on the lower legs. Without proper treatment, poorly-healing open wounds known as venous leg ulcers or stasis ulcers may develop in these areas.