Treatment of spider veins with sclerotherapy

Points to note after treatment

After treatment with micro-sclerotherapy

Points to note after micro-sclerotherapy of spider veins

  • Immediately after sclerotherapy, you should walk around for 30 minutes to activate the blood flow through the veins.
  • To get the best results from treatment, you should wear a compression stocking for a few days to up to 2 weeks after sclerotherapy, depending on the severity of the spider veins. This will compress the veins and encourage them to stick together permanently.
  • After treatment, you can resume your normal daily activities immediately and go back to work without delay.
  • You are advised not to take part in any strenuous sporting activities (intensive jogging, long mountain hikes, or football) for the first 2 weeks after treatment. Physical exercise without strenuous exertion is, of course, permitted (walking or swimming).
  • Avoid the sauna, long hot baths or showers, solaria, or prolonged sunbathing, for some time (1-4 weeks) after treatment. If you do have to go out in the sun, use a sunscreen with a light protection factor of at least 25. It is difficult to give a precise length of time, so you should rely on the experience and recommendations of the doctor treating you.
  • As a rule, you can shower with moderately warm water at 24 hours after treatment.
  • Do not plan any long journeys by bus, train, or car in the first 2 weeks after sclerotherapy and, in particular, avoid long-haul flights.
  • Do not have a massage involving the treated area for at least 2 weeks after treatment.
  • Contact your doctor without delay if you notice anything untoward or the leg is very painful.
  • Please be sure to attend the follow-up examinations.

Risks of micro-sclerotherapy

Although micro-sclerotherapy is a safe method of treatment, undesirable side effects cannot be ruled out completely like with any medical procedure or taking medicine. Small areas of bleeding in the skin, haematoma, and temporary discolouration may occur around the site of the treated spider veins, although these usually resolve soon after treatment. The insertion of the fine needle can obviously be felt as a short prick. Local blood clots in the treated spider veins are not dangerous and can easily be dealt with by your doctor. The chronic nature of the condition does mean that spider veins may reappear in the area treated at a later date. These new spider veins can also be treated if necessary.
These reactions are the most common side effects of micro-sclerotherapy. Very rare side effects that may also occur are, for example, systemic allergies or circulatory reactions. Before you start treatment, your doctor will explain the possible side effects to you – including those that are very rare – and answer any questions that you may have.